Line App Targets Users in Pakistan

Jazib Ali
By Jazib Ali
7 Min Read
Instant messaging have tremendously increased within last few years due to increased used of internet. Previously people in Pakistan use yahoo messenger etc for instant chat over internet on pc or laptops. Now a days people more oftenly use Whatsapp, Viber and Skype etc. 

Line Messaging App

Line App is also among those instant chat which are being used by thousand of users across world. It is made by a japanese guys whose main aim was to connect people in times of disasters such as earthquake. 

Previously in india and now officially targeting user in Pakistan. Line app aims to kick down other instant messaging app as they have heavily advertised on famous TV channels. What’s different in Line app is described below.


Some great features of line app are
  • Instant Messaging
    Enjoy chatting with friends, family one on one and also in groups. Create your own or join someone else.  
Line Instant Messaging
  • Audio & Video Calls
    Skype was the only app previously that have this function of audio and video calls but now you can install Line app for this purpose too. It have about same quality as that of Skype.
Line Audio Video Calls
  • Photos Sharing
    Share pictures with friends and family by using app or directly take pictures from Line Camera.
  • Video and Voice Messages
    Take a video or record a voice message and upload it to line to share it with friends and family.
  • Fun Stickers
    Line also have lots of animated and fixed stickers that will make your messaging more enjoyable. 
Line Fun Stickers
  • Coupons and Offers
    It also offers coupons and attracting offers but this features may not work in Pakistan.
  • Shake it 
    Adding friends is very easy. Shake your phones and you will be become friends at line. You can also use QR code or Line ID for this purpose.
  • Multi-Channels
    Line is available on iOS, Mac OS, Android and Symbian, Windows & Windows Phone and Blackberry. It also have Firefox Extension.
  • Games & Secondary Apps
    Line now also offers games with Line App that can played on Android & iOS. There are also other supportive apps that can be installed for utilities and fun purpose like Line Toss, Dictionary, Brush, Cards etc.
Being different and taking all features from other platforms combined in one app makes Line a very unique app for multi channels. We hope you like it and will download Line app.
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Jazib Khaleel is Founder of PakistaniTech. He is a Google Certified Digital Marketing Strategist, WordPress Developer and SEO Consultant. He has graduated in BS Accounting and Finance from Oxford Brookes London. You can reach out at
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