Tag: PTA

PTA One-Window Operation for IP and VPN Registration

Registration of VPN only takes 2 to 3 days and is a

Ayesha Anwar By Ayesha Anwar

PTA Blocked Illegal Websites and Mobile Apps

Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has successfully blocked 183 illegal mobile Apps and

Ayesha Anwar By Ayesha Anwar

Mobile Phone services to be suspended today in key cities

This decision was made in an effort to keep the peace throughout

Ayesha Anwar By Ayesha Anwar

VPN usage rising, PTA urges approval of policy

The excessive use of VPN has been linked to a substantially slowdown

Ayesha Anwar By Ayesha Anwar

PTA admits they cannot block usage of VPN

The PTA cannot control or block VPN as doing so would impact

Ayesha Anwar By Ayesha Anwar

PTA Chairman says Submarine Cable Fault Disrupted the Internet

PTA chief said VPNs were not being banned or shut down.

Zubair Rao By Zubair Rao

PTA plans to block SIM cards issued on expired IDs

The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has announced its decision to block SIM

Jazib Ali By Jazib Ali

Is VPN going to be banned by PTA?

The PTA chairman warned that Ban on VPN, s in Pakistan will

Ayesha Anwar By Ayesha Anwar

PTA introduced new guidelines for approval of Smartphones

New verification guidelines shared by Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) to avoid fraud

Ayesha Anwar By Ayesha Anwar

PTA directs Cellular Mobile Operators to improve Quality of Service

Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has directed Cellular Mobile Operators (CMOs) to improve

Jazib Ali By Jazib Ali

PTA Issued Notices To Google & Wikipedia for Propagating ‘Sacrilegious Content’

Pakistan Telecommunication Authority ( PTA ) has issued notices to Google Incorporation

Bushra Rao By Bushra Rao