TikTok banned by Peshawar High Court for Immoral Content

By Jazib Ali
4 Min Read

TikTok has been banned by the Peshawar High Court Chief Justice today morning for its immoral content. The popular video social media application is yet under the controversy of getting another ban for the content uploaded by users having an immoral impact on youth especially teenagers.

“Tik​​tok videos are spreading obscenity, it [the app] should be shut down immediately,” ordered Peshawar High Court Chief Justice (PHC CJ), Qaisar Rashid Khan.

PHC CJ also questioned Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) director-general on if shutting down TikTok would have an impact on the people running the app, to which the DG said “yes, it would”.

DG PTA added that the Government had already approached the TikTok team over the immoral content, but they were yet to receive a “positive” response from them.

After hearing the Judge ordered that TikTok will be shut down till the company responds to the government on the “immoral” content being posted on the website.

“TikTok will be shut down till officials comply with your request and cooperate with you to stop immoral content on the app,” ordered the PHC CJ.

Pakistan has previously banned the app in October last year for the same reasons and PTA have issued a notice which Tiktok app has failed to comply, though the app makers have committed to removing such objectionable content.

However, PTA has reversed its decision in the same month after getting confirmation from the Tiktok app team to remove all the objectionable content which now seems to have not been addressed properly.

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Jazib Khaleel is Founder of PakistaniTech. He is a Google Certified Digital Marketing Strategist, WordPress Developer and SEO Consultant. He has graduated in BS Accounting and Finance from Oxford Brookes London. You can reach out at jazib@pakistanitech.com
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