Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge faces BendGate Problem

By Jazib Ali
4 Min Read

Previously iPhone 6 Plus faced the same issue of bending but this time its the Samsung’s most powerful smartphones, Samsung Galaxy S6 & Edge which are already launched at MWC 2015.

Square trade is the company that conducted tests on Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge. In a video launched at YouTube by Square Trade we can see that at 110 pounds of weight S6 Edge bends which is the same amount of pressure applied on iPhone 6 Plus that causes it to bend.

After test video was uploaded, it went viral on YouTube and about 3 Million hits have passed leading Samsung into worry which is now responded by Samsung by release of Official Statement.  

Samsung Response to S6 Edge Bend-Gate:

Samsung in the beginning did not respond much to this video but when this video gone viral Samsung yesterday have released an official statement about the durability of these smartphones and stated under normal conditions this problem does not arise. 

Samsung also explained that this video have very specific circumstances as this device is made with special glass that are about 50% more cable to bear stress. Samsung also conducted 3 point testing to further reassure its users about the durability of these smartphones.

Samsung also stated that different smartphones have different front and back stress bearing capabilities. Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge is capable of bearing

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Jazib Khaleel is Founder of PakistaniTech. He is a Google Certified Digital Marketing Strategist, WordPress Developer and SEO Consultant. He has graduated in BS Accounting and Finance from Oxford Brookes London. You can reach out at
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