Microsoft Introduced Windows 10, Skipped 9

Jazib Ali
By Jazib Ali
10 Min Read

You were expecting Windows 9 after windows 8.1 but you would be surprised to know that Microsoft have decided to skip number 9 means Windows 9. They are directly releasing Windows 10 instead of releasing Windows 9 after Windows 8.1. 

Windows 10

According to Terry Myerson, VP of Microsoft Operating System, the new OS is such a great leap forward that company have decided to skip 9 and jump directly to Windows 10 in name scheme. (Windows Blog)

Windows have been used by 1.5 billion users in every country across globe. From kids to professionals and engineers and doctors and all kind of people use it in everyday routine. For such a huge user this operating system must support on versatile number of devices.

Windows 10 is aimed at making same OS available to all users across multiple platforms like laptop, tablet, phones, desktops, servers, touch screens etc. This means that you will be able to enjoy same app or windows desktop across all these devices. 

Windows 10 will deliver right experience at right device at the right time. So to make it possible Microsoft have initially have launched Microsoft Windows Insider Programme for developers and IT experts for desktop and laptops to help assess the technical aspects of an OS in development. 

Microsoft is paying attention to user need and is working on past criticism given on previous version of Windows. They are developing Windows that will follow correction of prior errors. Also they are making this version for both Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users simultaneously so that any user who switch from these version do not have difficulty in understanding the version of new Windows

Windows 10

What’s New:

Following are the new things that are available in Windows 10 releasing in 2015.
  • Start Menu
    The old windows 7 style start menu is back with a modified form. It brings new customizable space for your favorite apps and live tiles in short form.
  • Apps view
    Previously apps from apps store opens in front screen and cannot resized but with new view they are like other apps, can be resized, moved, maximized, minimized and closed with a click
  • Snap Enhancement
    Now you can have four apps snapped on screen in quadrant layout. Windows will additionally show other apps and programmes that are running and will suggest space for them on screen.
  • New Task View
    With new task view you can quickly switch between tasks and open files and separate desktop too.
  • Multiple desktop
    Create multi desktop for different purposes and projects and switch between them with a click. You can also get back to them incase you switch off and get back after a while.
  • Find Files Faster File finding have been made easy and even more faster as in Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 you have recent places so do is File explorer in Windows 10 that show your recently visited files and folders so that you can get back to them easily.
Some images available from technical preview are given as follows
Windows 10

Windows 10

Windows 10

Windows 10

Well these are some of the new features earlier given by Microsoft but a lot more have still to come as the new development programme makes Windows 10 even better. 
Windows 10 is currently under review by IT pros and developers so that technical issues and fixes are already solved. This gives customer a version that do not require much updating as in Windows 7. 
After this fresh version of Windows 10 will be available for consumer purchase. Expected date of Windows 10 arrival is 1 May 2015 and Microsoft is hoping to make this release biggest one as did for Windows 8.
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Jazib Khaleel is Founder of PakistaniTech. He is a Google Certified Digital Marketing Strategist, WordPress Developer and SEO Consultant. He has graduated in BS Accounting and Finance from Oxford Brookes London. You can reach out at
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