New Features:

“Okay Google”
Its now a old fashion now to tap on search button, instead now just say “Okay Google” and speak your search to find on google or speak your message and to record a text message or find something else within phone and on internet too.
You can also use it find location.
Changed Calling Interface
Tired of same calling interface try new calling interface in incoming and outgoing call. Introduction of cover photo option and sleek new design of calling interface and better sync feature with facebook google plus gmail and others have made it possible for user to have cover with caller id name and number. If the person you are calling isn’t in your list there will be check on sync for update.
Smart Contacts
With sync feature its not only possible that you get contact picture and other things but also you have a featured contact section added that will contain those person which you frequently call and chat on social media platform. Also you can add featured contacts too.
Better Emotion
Get of out stinky way of messaging or email sending. Add a list of whole new emotion to your chat in messages and email and more with just 1 tap. Add the fun to chat by these emotions.
Full Screen Reading
The new feature of Full Screen Reading have been introduced. Now read your favorite stories book and other things just like your are originally reading book not in mobile. With every new page you will see motion of page movement and changing. Make your size bigger or smaller and adjust according to your ease of reading. Make your reading fun instead of just book reading.
New Hangout Chat
Send instant email or sms via google hangout service. All your sms and mms and conversation in single chat now including video calls and others.
You can share your location and can send a GIF image too.
Highly Enhanced Multitasking